Search engine optimization is a skill which is used to rank a website in googles first page. He / she can grow your business and increase organic customer. That is the power of an SEO Expert can carry.

keyword research

SEO Expert

keyword research is the first step of starting SEO career. He can generate too many related keywords by your one targeted keywords. This researching system is called keywords. For this a client can rank his website by different different keywords which can be researched by an SEO Expert.

On page SEO

On page SEO

This is the second sector of SEO Strategy, where you can put your content . Content should SEO friendly.
Your content must have your targeted keywords with related keywords. Then you have to maintain some settings  which play a role to rank your website in google. So you have to keep an eye with this sector.

Technical SEO 

Technical SEO

This is the heart of your website , like your website have publish thousands of post and add hundreds of page  and add thousands of blog post , if you don't submit that pages, posts and blogs towards on google that pages will called broken / non-index/ pages or posts or blogs . As a result your post won't came out in google search result . So as a result what e do for submitting our pages or posts or blogs is called Technical SEO.


Total SEO Overview

Backlinks is the process of getting strength from another website. For that Google rank your website as soon as he crawl. Because backlinking is the process of authority , process of getting organic traffic.
this backlinking is the important part for an website.

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